Effects of Latency
What is Latency? When you Open a website or start up a software (i.e. Games, Streaming platform, Online Music, etc.) that requires online connection, data is sent back and forth from your computer/device to the website or software's server, ...
Jitter and its Effects
What is Jitter? Jitter is the variation or fluctuation of speeds your data gets transmitted to and from the devices within your network to the internet. Another way to say it is that it is the time delay between when a signal is transmitted and when ...
Effect of Packet Loss
What is Packet Loss? When your device, i.e. laptop, cellphone, tablet, etc., tries to access anything in and out of the internet, it send little bits of data called packets. Packets act as little packages that needs to be completed in order for you ...
Can I install this directly to my PC or Game Console? Ideally, you would want this unit installed directly behind your modem/router. The unit functions as a network balancer for all of your home devices. This will prevent others who are downloading ...