Site Overview

Site Overview

The SimpleWAN dashboard has a lot of information immediately available to users and administrators alike upon logging in. This will be the top-level, or birds-eye view, of the SimpleWAN device. The SimpleWAN dashboard will display several pieces of networking data (please view numbered items on corresponding picture below).

Site Overview Panels Explained

  1. Alerts, Messages, and Login Profile  - Login specific alerts and messages will be displayed next to the current Login Profile in this location. See the bottom of this page for switching between Basic and Advanced Views from the Logged in as menu.
  2. Bandwidth Monitoring  - This is  daily  throughput in megabits showing both upload and download.
  3. Location and General Information  - This provides a physical location based on address provided, IP information, Site Status, sync and check in times, dynamic DNS address, current firmware, hardware type, and the options to enable Speed Test Mode or reboot the site. Do practice caution as the reboot button is very close to the button to enable the Speed Test Mode. A warning will popup confirming that the site should be rebooted as a safeguard. Speed Test Mode allows the user to Run a speed test without the Traffic Prioritization activated. This allows raw Speed Test data to go through the unit.
  4. Features  - These are the additional add-on features that are enabled or disabled on  this site .
  5. Call Quality   - This is the mean opinion score of all VoIP calls on network. Click the graph for more detail into individual calls.
  6. Latency  - This is the average connection response time.
  7. Jitter  - This is the average variation in the delay of received packets on the network (lower is better). Jitter is the difference between the lowest and 95th percentile latency measurements in the past 24 hours. 95 percentile means that the top 5% of latency measurements are ignored, so that infrequent spikes do not skew the result.
  8. ISP SLA  (Service Level Agreement) - The amount of time a site is online (used to track ISP service level)  *Note that the ISP SLA value can be changed from the site edit button located on the dashboard page of the account. There, one can enter a new date for the ISP SLA to start.
  9. Packet Loss  - This is the percentage of ping failures versus the total number of pings in the past day. The box can be clicked for additional information.
  10. CPU  - This is the amount of CPU usage by this device. This is not an average and only the most recent sync information is shown.
  11. Memory  - This is the amount of memory usage by this device. This is not an average and only the most recent sync information is shown.
  12. WAN 1 ISP  - This is the ISP of the site in question. This is provided by public routing records. (If those records are wrong, this may present inaccurate information.) WAN 2 ISP appears when Failover/Load Balancing  is enabled.
  13. SQS - A score provided by our unit that shows the overall quality the unit has checked. This includes all inbound and outbound traffic as well as other traffic that goes through the unit. For more details, click here.
  14. Temperature - The Temperature the unit is currently running. Yes, it will show a hot temperature as our unit uses fanless heat dissipation.
You may click #5-9 to open their corresponding places in the dashboard

Additional Site Overview Panels

As a user or admin continues to scroll down the page, they will notice even more information available to them. Please, follow the numbered list with its corresponding picture below to find out what the graphs do!

  1. Service Breakdown  - This is an overview of the ten  most active  service types. This displays the information for the duration of each connection. Short-lived connections may not appear at all.
  2. Bandwidth Breakdown  - This is an overview of the ten  most active  hosts. This displays the information for the duration of each connection. Short-lived connections may not appear at all.
  3. WAN Errors (In)  - This detects errors on WAN packets coming in.
  4. WAN Errors (Out)  - This detects errors on WAN packets going out.
  5. WAN Collisions  - Collisions occur when two devices try to transmit data at exactly the same time on a shared circuit.
  6. LAN Errors (In)  - This detects errors on LAN packets coming in.
  7. LAN Errors (Out)  - This detects errors on LAN packets going out.
  8. LAN Collisions  - Collisions occur when two devices try to transmit data at exactly the same time on a shared circuit
  9. Monthly Data WAN Usage - Provides rough estimate of how much traffic the unit has used through the WAN. Another Box appears when more than one ISP is in use
  10. Realtime Throughput  - This graph depicts the download/upload bandwidth going through the SimpleWAN in the last 10 minutes.
  11. ARP Table  - This chart is showing devices that are assigned their IP (layer 3) and the corresponding MAC (layer 2) that that IP is being mapped to.

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